this is the 1st page which u nid to click EnterSite to enter =)
overall design is Clean, Class, Simple, Flashside kind of design. BG will be dark all the time, fonts color that i use not gonna be too bright as well, and the side elements i use colorful graphics/lines to present it but the brightness will be control as well because my stuff is gonna be a lot videos, so i expect users to stay at my page for very long period of time, therefore this kind of color wont cause any suffers to learner's eyes. once u click the Enter button, the music of beatboxing wil starts =)

So this is the 1st page, Simple wif a Mic which is the main medium and device to use to perform the beat-box.
This page is just to gv u an idea how the transition going to be after u click enter. Basically it will goes like this: Mic disappear, the textured-wall appear, beatbox graphic mask-in, colorful lines and strokes used to enchance the appearance and let users hv a place to rest when they bored staring on black color =)
This is the mainpage - AboutUs. when it's in any of the content pages, the wall and beat-box graphic will go a bit dull, then a small box which act like a container of info's will appear. The navigation buttons are not final, it juz a dummy. So this is not the final but my final wont look much different from this i guess coz i doubt addin somemore other elements might make the whole thing heavier? i might not add anytin's a Might XD
Thx and critics are highly welcomed =)
gogogo ~